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Writer's pictureRebecca Wisniewski

Meet the Designer

Here we go! I never thought I'd make an attempt at a blog, but here we are. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I do!

There's my face! PC: Briana Bonilla (Instagram: @makeup_themusical)

I have always been an indecisive person. Whether it's food, clothes, what movie I want to watch, or whatever I'm deciding on, I'm always worried about whether or not it's the right decision. So when it came time to choose what to major in for college, I had no clue. Do I stick with the performing that I've been doing since middle school, or do I want to try something new? Performing had always been a joy for me, but to make a career out of it? I wasn't sure that was a life I wanted. So I went to Cal State Fullerton as an undeclared major. Or the "how do I decide?" major.

The good news was, I could get my General Education credits out of the way, and try new things at the same time. So sure enough, the next year I declared History for my major. And hated it. Why would all six of my classes assign one book to read per week? SIX BOOKS PER WEEK??? How was I supposed to keep up with that? So, I reassessed. And somehow ended up on the Theatre department website. And there it was: Design and Technical Production. With a whole bunch of costume classes. And for once, I wasn't indecisive. It was clear I had to do it.

My mom has always been my inspiration, but especially in this instance. While I was performing, she was always the Costumer for our shows. I grew up helping her put costumes together, sewing into the early morning to create something beautiful. I loved getting to go to the costume warehouse and pick things out to use for the show. So when I saw you could pursue this as a career, I jumped on it. And now, many years later, my mom and I have had the chance to work with each other as a team for multiple shows. I love that I get to share that with her.

Edith Head said:

"What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage. We create the illusion of changing the actors into what they are not. We ask the public to believe that every time they see a performer on the screen, he's become a different person."

So what now?

I will be working on another project in the near future, and I will be blogging throughout the whole process. I want to show what it's like on the creative side of theatre that most people don't think about. I hope you enjoy it! Stay tuned for more!

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